
The Essential Guide to Choosing the Best Wireless Dog Fence

Ditch the tedious fence posts and tangled wires! Imagine your pup frolicking freely in the backyard, while you soak up the beauty of your garden without a barrier in sight. This can be your reality with a wireless dog fence!

A wireless dog fence, also known as a hidden fence, uses a radio signal and a receiver collar to create an invisible boundary around your yard. If your dog approaches the limit, the collar will warn them with a beep or a small static correction, keeping them safely contained.

To help you find the best wireless dog fence, here are important factors to consider:

Size and Range

No two wireless fences are the same, which is why it is important to check the size and range. This can give you an idea of how effective the fence can be, and if it is suitable for your property and your dog’s needs.

A wireless dog fence typically creates a circular boundary around the transmitter. If the range is too small, your dog may not receive enough warning, which increases the risk of escapes. On the other hand, if the range is too large, it may not contain your dog effectively.

Compatibility with Your Dog

When it comes to getting a wireless pet fence, its compatibility with your dog is crucial. The collar must be suitable to your dog’s size, breed, and training needs. Some fences are designed for specific breeds or sizes, so it’s essential to choose one that will work best for your pet.  For instance, larger dogs are less sensitive than smaller dogs, who may only need gentle vibrations and beeps.

Before buying, take time to check the manufacturer’s guidelines, and to read customer reviews. This way, by the time you consider wireless dog fence installation, you have found the right hidden fence for your dog.

Safety Precautions

Safety should be a top priority when considering a wireless dog fence. One of the most important precautions to take is to ensure that the fence system comes with proper training instructions and guidelines. Additionally, the system must have adjustable correction levels, which allow you to customise the correction to suit your dog’s needs better.

Additionally, it is ideal that the collar is both durable and comfortable for your dog. Most reputable brands manufacture high-quality collars, some of which can be waterproof and lightweight.

Expert Advice

Navigating the world of wireless dog fences can be complicated, which is why having an expert on your side is invaluable to ensure your dog stays safe. A professional can guide you in choosing the right model, and with wireless pet fence installation.

By consulting with an expert, you can make an informed decision and avoid potential issues or complications that may arise from a DIY installation.


Wireless dog fences provide a safe and attractive alternative to traditional fences. Choosing the right one involves considering your dog’s size, temperament, and the safety features offered. Consulting an expert, like Hidden Fence, can ensure a smooth installation and optimal safety for your pet.

Hidden Fence isn’t just a product. It’s an Australian-based team of passionate pet lovers and experts! Hidden Fence offers a range of pet solutions and containment systems, all approved by veterinarians and owners alike. Visit their website here to explore more of their premium pet fences and training collars.